Understanding SMB Workflows
Workflow management. Boosted productivity across multiple locations. Businesses losing over $1 trillion in process gaps and lapses in workplace productivity.
How do workflow
management and BPM tools
help increase efficiency?
Extremely. Let’s break it down.
Get StartedWhat is a workflow for small businesses?
Small business workflow automation refers to streamlining repeatable processes to reduce costs, and errors and facilitate seamless business operation.
Workflow automation for small businesses effectively streamlines their workflows of various processes, giving them the agility and flexibility to run their business operations hassle-free.
Common workflows are applying for paid-time off, making a purchase request, or filling out a sales order.
Some Common Workflows in
the SMB Space
Workflows are a great way to ensure efficiency in predictable, everyday business
processes. Here are a few processes you probably handle every day at your organization.
Get Started
1. Managing Time Off
Leave management with a workforce of around 50 or over is bound to be tricky. Multiple bosses need to sign off on the request approval. When handled over email and spreadsheets, this leads to a convoluted mess of lost messages and updating nightmares!
Using a structured workflow tool like Kissflow’s workflow platform can help you track and validate these variables and deal with requests automatically. You’ll reduce the time spent on time-off management, have fewer errors, more transparency, and the whole operation will cost less too.
2. Handling Purchase Orders
Take the case of SAPIN, a can-manufacturing operation in the Middle East. When their workforce reached 200+, they had so many team members on the road, on sales calls, and meetings. So, keeping track of purchase orders was a huge ordeal. Several POs at different stages, stuck in various department members’ desks is no way to run an efficient business.
SAPIN turned to Kissflow’s platform and created a simple app for purchase order workflow automation. The result? They shortened the order processing time by a whopping 75%!