Digital Workplace

Digital Workplace Definition And Everything You Need to Know About it.


Technology has changed the way we work. The workplace is no longer a physical location that we need to go to. Instead, companies now operate through digital workplace platforms which can be accessed from anywhere, as long as you have a laptop and an internet connection.

A digital workplace is the basic set of digital tools employees use to get work done. It can be anything from instant messaging to virtual meeting tools, enterprise social media tools, and even automated workflows.

It is easy to assume that your company has a digital workplace just because you use some components of it. But to truly reap benefits from a digital workplace platform and get measurable results, you need to implement it in its full form. That starts by understanding what a digital workplace really is and how it can help your organization deliver measurable business value.

Digital Workplace

What is a digital workplace?

A digital workplace is a cloud based work platform that lets businesses move work to the virtual space. Such platforms contain all the applications, data, tools and collaboration features employees need to perform work within a secure online interface that they can access from anywhere, anytime and on any device.

A digital workplace gives employees access to all the digital tools that they need to handle their everyday work including collaboration, project management, and process management. As a virtual replacement of physical offices, a digital workplace helps integrate all the disparate business applications used within the organization to make it easier for employees to access the necessary business data and tools through one single platform.

Whether team members are working remotely from different cities or from the same office space, they can collaborate seamlessly with a digital workplace.

A digital workplace platform allows you to:

    • Collaborate with team members
    • Manage projects and tasks with full visibility
    • Resolve issues, tickets, defects, and service requests
    • Automate standard and repetitive business processes that require approvals
    • Integrate third-party applications
    • Auto-generate reports to make better data-driven decisions
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Common misconceptions about a digital workplace platform

A digital workplace is an intranet

Intranet in companies is a private network that can only be accessed by employees who have authorized access. Though, it cannot be used for active internal projects, processes, or discussions.

On the other hand, a digital workplace allows organizations to store their business data securely while managing projects, processes, and discussions in real-time. You don’t need a separate database just to store company data which saves money, time, and a lot of frustration among employees.

A digital workplace is just a collection of apps

Just because your company uses dozens of applications to manage work, doesn’t mean you have a digital workplace. In fact, the more applications you use in your company, the more difficult it will become for your employees to manage their work.

Piling on disjointed SaaS applications only creates a more complicated and fragmented work environment. Finding information also becomes difficult as data is spread across different applications.

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A digital workplace is a collaboration tool

Collaboration applications allow team members to have real-time conversations no matter where they are. But they are often limited to communication only.

A digital workplace is more than just a collaboration tool. It helps teams in streamlining processes, managing cases, tracking the status of projects, and automating repetitive tasks.

A digital workplace is not a SaaS application that you can purchase to improve productivity and efficiency in your organization. It is an ongoing digital transformation strategy that needs a cultural change from within the company.

The digital workplace platform that you use should align with your organization’s digital priorities, business goals, and employee expectations.

How a digital workplace can transform the way an organization works

No switching between apps

Employees need access to multiple applications every day just to organize and manage their work. On average, organizations now use over 16 SaaS apps [1] and this number is growing steadily every day.

But too many tools can confuse and overwhelm your employees. They will end up constantly going back and forth between applications just to accomplish a single task. In fact, more than two-thirds of employees waste up to 60 minutes [2] every day just toggling between applications.

A digital workplace offers a central platform to access all the applications, business data, and projects in one place which directly saves time and improves employee experience as well.

More visibility and more control

A digital workplace platform creates a more transparent working environment where all the team members can track the status of every project or task they are involved in, which leads to less email follow-ups and more work being done. Team leaders can list out all the tasks that need to be done, assign them to other members, specify deadlines, and make sure everyone is in sync.

With more visibility and control, employees feel more accountable and responsible. Moreover, it also helps cut down on excessive meetings and allows team members to focus on their core work responsibilities.


A digital workplace can automate mindless and repetitive processes that take up too much of the employees’ time like document approvals and data entry. When employees are no longer bogged down by boring tasks, they are able to better focus on the more complex tasks which require innovative thinking and problem-solving. Moreover, automating mundane processes also allows employees to approach their work with more enthusiasm.

Better collaboration

While there was a time when collaboration could happen near the watercooler or on the side of the desks, it is not the case anymore. Companies now have offices located in different cities with many employees working remotely from around the world. There is a need for better collaboration while ensuring employees aren’t spending too much time in pointless meetings.

A digital workplace can improve collaboration in organizations by making it easier for employees to communicate with each other. Moreover, by streamlining internal business processes, digital workplaces also improve transparency which leads to fewer email follow ups and confusion.

Support for remote employees

While it was expected for the majority of the workforce to go remote by 2025, the coronavirus pandemic forced companies to go remote five years too early. As a result, companies had to quickly scramble to find the right tools to help them manage their work while working from home. No matter how long it takes to completely fight this pandemic, it is clear that remote work is here to stay. By implementing a digital workplace, you can make sure your employees are able to work with optimum productivity, whether they are in the office or working remotely from their homes.

Improve employee experience by digitally transforming your workplace

Employee experience is just as important as the customer experience. After all, only satisfied and happy employees can offer your customers the best experience possible. Focusing on employee experience helps organizations create a culture of high performance where employees feel valued and they want to perform their best.

When organizations have engaged employees working with them, they are able to pull 2.5 times [3] more revenue than companies with comparatively low employee engagement. So, if your organization wants to retain top talent and achieve higher revenue, it is crucial to prioritize employee experience.

Employees are the biggest asset of any company and not the technologies that you implement. No matter how much you invest in the latest technologies, you won’t be able to see any visible results if your employees are disengaged and they don’t find the technological tools helpful enough to manage their work.

Digital workplace platforms follow a bottom-up approach and they are built keeping in mind all the daily challenges of employees. When employees don’t have to go back and forth between different applications just to find a few important files, they are able to perform in a faster and more efficient manner which improves the overall employee experience of the company.

The future of work is the digital workplace

Digital workplaces give organizations the power to meet new challenges even in the most uncertain business conditions. With more opportunities for efficiency, flexibility, and collaboration, digital workplaces can drive business agility and help companies achieve visible results.

Kissflow is a digital workplace platform that helps organizations streamline their projects, processes, cases, and collaboration. From marketing campaigns to budget approvals, policy revisions, and customer relationship management — Kissflow lets you handle everything through a single platform.

Ready to give Kissflow a try? Sign up for a free trial today.