purchase order tracking software

Purchase order tracking software

Proactively track and manage purchase orders in your procure-to-pay lifecycle

Key features for effortless purchase order tracking

Here is a list of non-negotiable functionalities that an ideal purchase order tracking software must have
Control overspend

Track purchase orders, analyze them, and spot areas of off-budget and tail spend instantly

Ensure compliance

Restrict access to confidential PO data using role-based permissions and conditional visibility

Promote transparency

Make PO processing transparent with tamper-proof, rule-based PO approval workflows

Go paperless

Use digital forms to reduce administrative work, eliminate paperwork, and shorten PO cycle

Retrieve insights

Speed up decision making with actionable insights derived from ready-to-use visual reports

Multi-channel access

Take actions and access records or reports from anywhere at any time with a mobile app

Analyze and Control Spend

Analyze and control spend

Purchase order tracking is all about maintaining control so that the process happens the same way every time. With an automated PO tracking system, you can rest assured that every protocol was followed.

Analyze trends, streamline purchase order approvals, and reduce maverick spends with visual reports inside an automated purchase order tracking system.

Track Purchase Orders

Track purchase orders instantly

Stop sifting through overflowing spreadsheets and lengthy email conversations to track a purchase order. Embrace purchase order automation to know the status of a PO at a glance, anywhere, at any time, and on any device.

You can obtain all pertinent order details like order date, vendor details, and even navigate to the original purchase requisition, with just a click.

Why use kissflow for purchase order tracking?

Here’s what you can do with Kissflow as a purchase order tracking system:

Paperless approvals

Make your PO approvals green with digital forms and checklists

Automated workflows

Automate PO tracking to save time, reduce cost, and limit errors

Streamlined approvals

Collaborate approvals and decision making with automated workflows

Role-based access

Ensure process transparency with audit trails and user-specific access

Actionable insights

Obtain real-time spend insights from customizable, visual reports

Rule-based approvals

Mitigate risk and increase compliance with a customizable rule engine


Kissflow Procurement Cloud helped us fully automate our PO process, improving the overall efficiency.

Mohamed Shifan

Financial Planning and Analysis Manager

Trusted by 10,000+ Companies

Simplify and streamline your purchase order tracking